Few words have been used with greater latitude of meaning than of mysticism. It is here to be taken in a sense antithetical to speculation. Speculation is a process of thought; mysticism is matter of feeling [conscience/morals]. The one assumes [speculation] that the thinking faculty is that by which we attain the knowledge of truth. The other [mysticism], distrusting reason, teaches that the feelings alone are to be relied upon, at least in the sphere of religion. Although this method [mysticism] has been unduly pressed, and systems of theology have been constructed under its guidance, which are either entirely independent of the Scriptures, or in which the doctrines of the Bible have been modified and perverted, it is not to be denied that great authority is due to our moral nature in matters of religion... 'Charles Hodges'
You know it is interesting we seldom think about how we think about God. But, the truth is there are people out there who do. This passage is taken from Charles Hodges' Systematic Theology. He makes an interesting contrast between reason and morals; he goes on to argue that whenever the two come into conflict that morals is always stronger than reason! Idealistically I agree with him, and I would specify my comments by saying this is how a mature believer should live e.g. if a couple has an unexpected child reasons says have an abortion because they may not be able to afford the child, but a mature believer's conscience says only God has the right to take and to give life. Hodge has made a powerful point with a multitude of implications! But, my question is...is there a conflict between faith an reason? Remember His thoughts are higher than our thoughts?
I think there comes a point where reason cannot by itself prove certain things and that is where Faith comes into the picture.
When it comes to God, since we are talking about a supernatural, spiritual being you have to use faith. God doesn not fit into "season".
Reason and faith can coexist to a ceratin point but sometimes they can't. Make sense?
Sure does! But, my question is "What we call a 'conflict' could simply be our lack of knowledge!" So in a sense there could be the illusion of conflict; but in reality it is basically our lack of knowledge!
Yeah i agree, and i did think about it after i made the comment. As humans since we don't know ALL and that is where faith comes into the picture.
Yeah that is what I think too. There are too many variables to consider with the spiritual life, and its impact on the material world! Since we can’t completely fathom all of the spiritual scenarios on our physical lives, trusting God is the only way to put the puzzle together!
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