Friday, February 26, 2010

We were once walking Epistles!

Letter from Philosopher Aristides early in second century:

Now the Christians, O King, by going about and seeking, have found the truth. For they know and trust GOD, the Maker of Heaven and earth, who has no fellow. From Him they received those commandments which they have engraved on their minds, and which they observe in the hope and expectation of the world to come.

For this reason they will not commit adultery or immorality; they do not bear false witness, or embezzle, nor do they covet what is not theirs. They honor father and mother, and do good to those who are their neighbors. Whenever they are judges, they judge uprightly. They do not worship idols made in the image of man. Whatever they do not wish that others should do to them, they in turn do not do; and they do not eat food sacrificed to idols.

Those who oppress them they exhort and make them their friends. They do good to their enemies. Their wives, O King, are pure as virgins, and their daughters are modest. Their men abstain from all unlawful sexual contact and from impurity, in the hope of recompense that is to come in another world.

As for their bondmen and bondwomen, and their children, if there are any, they persuade them to become Christians; and when they have done so, they call them brethren without distinction.

They refuse to worship strange gods; and they go their way in all humility and cheerfulness. Falsehood is not found among them. They love one another; the widow’s needs are not ignored, and they rescue the orphan from the person who does him violence. He who has gives to him who has not, ungrudgingly and without boasting. When the Christians find a stranger, they bring him to their homes and rejoice over him as a true brother. They do not call brothers those who are bound by blood ties alone, but who are brethren after the Spirit and in GOD.

When one of their poor passes away from the world, each provides for his burial according to his ability. If they hear of any of their number who are imprisoned or oppressed for the name of the Messiah, they all provide for his needs, and if it is possible to redeem him, they set him free.

If they find poverty in their midst, and they do not have spare food, they fast two or three days in order that the needy might be supplied with the necessities. They observe scrupulously the commandments of their Messiah, living honestly and soberly as the LORD their GOD ordered them. Every morning and every hour they praise and thank GOD for His goodness to them; and for their food and drink they offer thanksgiving.

If any righteous person of their number passes away from the world, they rejoice and thank GOD, and escort his body as if he were setting out from one place to another nearby. When a child is born to one of them, they praise GOD. If it dies in infancy, they thank GOD the more, as for one who passed through the world without sins. But if one of them dies in his iniquity or in his sins, they grieve bitterly and sorrow as over one who is about to meet his doom.

Such, O King, is the commandment given to the Christians, and such is their conduct.

(The Apology of Aristides, translated by Rendel Harris [London: Cambridge, 1893])

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Come to Tulsa with me!

Dear Ministry Partner,

I want to extend an invitation for you to join me at a unique and exciting event coming April 8-10, 2010 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Empowered21: The Global Congress on Holy Spirit Empowerment in the 21st Century. This unprecedented 3-day gathering will bring together Spirit-empowered believers from around the world. In addition to life changing general sessions and powerful times of worship, Empowered21 will include 210 individual Learning Conversations in over 30 Learning Tracks. These informative, interactive sessions will be taught by many of today’s foremost leaders and experts in the body of Christ.

I will be leading a learning conversation session entitled The Future of the Church, Youth and Sports: How the Church Can Impact Youth in a Culture of the Athlete as part of the Empowered for Today's Urban Challenge learning track. I would love to have you join me at Empowered21 and participate in the conversation I am hosting. You can get all of the details about this unique gathering, including a full listing of speakers, worship leaders and learning tracks, on the web at or by calling 877.473.2010. Registration for all 3 days is as low as $59/person with even lower rates for groups. Check it out and prayerfully consider being a part of Empowered21.

I look forward to seeing you in Tulsa!

Don’t Miss It!

Anthony Bass

You can view exciting details and most of the Learning Conversations in the 12 page digital preview guide at

The Just shall live by faith!

I always wonder why God loves and values our faith in Him. I mean think about it? Why does he not focus on our love for him or our sacrifice for him more than he does our faith in Him. Theologically I understand the principle...our faith in Him makes us righteous in his own eyes. But, is there anything more to it. I am still questioning and still asking my self that very question. Nevertheless, each step of my life has led me to depend on him more. I was recently accepted into the PHD program at Regent University. I am sure this will be the hardest thing I have had to do outside of making the 53 man roster for the Minnesota Vikings. But, just like that experience I know I am doing what God has asked me to do. I have not found a safety net on this walk yet. And, I am doing all I can to walk this fine line in a way that mirrors rationality and fidelity to what I know is true. I believe that God is leading me, and through his grace I will have the strength to endure. But, the major diffrence this time around is that I am not single; I have a family. You see, I have learned to have faith in God for my own walk, but now I have to have faith in God for somebody else's walk too. Wow, I guess this is the life of a leader--I guess this is the life of a man who without any safety net has to walk the tight rope of life by one major principle...The just shall live by [their] faith [in God]