Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is there no king?

One unsuccessful answer to the problem of conflicting moral obligations is known as "situation ethics." In this approach there can be no real conflict between two or more absolutes, because presumably there is only one absolute" "love." In each and every situation, one's moral obligation is to take the most "loving" course of action, even if that should mean discarding traditional ethical standards. John Jefferson Davis Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Do you see why today's Christian must defend absolutes. Without and absolute standard each individual then becomes god - determining what is right and wrong in his or her own eyes. With abouslutes we are saying there is no King! Well is there a King?


Unknown said...

Greetings Anthony! I am deeply in the throes of this very question. Would love to connect with you sometime soon to unpack this... along with Towera or whomever shares the interest.

Unknown said...

Ok, let's make it happen!!

Unknown said...

Excellent, and thank you for this. I have an exam on May 30th, so perhaps early June...? I will be in touch with some options. Enjoy the holiday weekend :)

Unknown said...

-One last thought (it's been a fragmented day, sorry): Perhaps just us and Towera would be sufficient, as I'm more clear-headed and articulate in smaller settings... would love to listen & share my heart & in an effective way. Take care & God bless..