Thursday, January 1, 2009

Judging Justly

And he [Jesus] shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, Nor decide by the hearing of His ears.
Isa. 11:3b

Isaiah is prophesying regarding the thought process of Jesus while He was on earth...I believe this is walking by faith! Jesus only did what the Father wanted Him to do! To me this is why it is important to know God's word and His commandments. Because our opinions and wisdom mean nothing if they don't align with God's. We don't know what is going on in the spirtual realm, nor do we know comprehisively what is going on in the phisical relam. Thus, following God's path is the only way one can truly say they have responded properly in every situation. I guess that is one reason why Jesus said, "if we follow his commands we are building our house on a rock!"

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